Vantage Blog
10 December 2020
Priority No 1 – Recharge
The run to December 25 has always been challenging with energy levels depleted just as end of year celebrations ramp up.
But, of course, 2020 has been at another level! COVID restrictions and challenges have impacted everyone to varying degrees. Nevertheless, for most, the battery is well and truly run down. As it was noted at my Vantage Leader Forum last week many are feeling ‘cooked’!
But, of course, 2020 has been at another level! COVID restrictions and challenges have impacted everyone to varying degrees. Nevertheless, for most, the battery is well and truly run down. As it was noted at my Vantage Leader Forum last week many are feeling ‘cooked’!
So, the no 1 priority is to find time over the next month is to recharge the batteries. Rest, recuperate and hit the reset button. I will be doing just that from the end of the week and look forward to some sun and sea. I hope you all can do the same, as future success for you and your business depends on it.
Over the last few months some of my clients and boards have put time aside to review 2020 and see what they want to take into 2021. They have reflected on what they learnt about themselves, their teams and their business. And, as a result, they have adjusted their strategies and plans to ensure they are well placed to hit 2021 running.
For others this has not been possible. Operational demands in the lead up to Christmas, or the fact that they are pretty much ‘cooked’, means they don’t have the space or energy to step back and do some future planning.And that’s fair enough. Better to allocate time to reflect and plan when fully recharged.
So next year, to help frame that thinking and provide some simple tools to help you plan for 2021, I will run a short complimentary webinar, on February 2nd 9.30-10.30 am. Contact me at if you would like to attend.In the meantime, click here (link to for access to some of tools, templates and papers that can give you a head start.
Look forward to seeing you on the other side – refreshed and ready to go!James AtkinsVantage Strategy
PS – I wrote Seismic Shift or Small Shake in the middle of the year that outlined what I was seeing as potentially shaping the future coming out of the COVID experience.
The 6 Shifts appear on track and can act as a good framework for you to consider what could apply for you. Click here
Vantage Strategy & Marketing helps leaders improve their business by cutting through the clutter.We work collaboratively with our clients to develop clear strategy, achievable goals and actionable plans.